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Treatment LPG

LPG Alliance, a new patented technology

The percentage of women who suffer from the problem of cellulite is increasing. The problem is not only aesthetic, but also health, because more cellulite is more toxins in the body.

Healthy way of life is crucial in the fight against cellulite, and one of the methods is the treatment with LPG Alliance.

LPG Alliance is a cellulite device that has tri-dimensional massage, lymph drainage, intense lipolysis, and skin lifting. This vacuum-operated machine achieves the result of a slim body without “orange peel” with greasy and gipsy skin.

LPG Alliance endermologie is a non-invasive method adapted to any age of skin changes such as cellulite or signs of aging. The fact is that time changes the circulation and “orange skin” appears, with reduced skin firmness. Endermology works to strengthen microcirculation, restoring tonus of connective tissue, thus enhancing the overall appearance of the skin.

The endermology of the LPG Alliance works on cellulite, quality and appearance of the skin. Of course the endermology method can not replace the diet, but acting on cellulite achieves great effect on body shape and volume. Treatments are preferably combined with physical activity.

Due to the action on fat deposits and the stimulation of collagen, excellent results are also achieved when treating “excess skin” after birth and diet, scars, silhouette maintenance, and swelling of the leg.

The unique technique of LPG body care products works on the principle of mechanical stimulation of the skin using two independent motorized rollers, which are the exclusive LPG patent. The gentle surface of the roller makes it easier for them to move around the body and provides an extremely pleasant and relaxing feeling during the treatment.

The rolls of rolls are selected according to the morphotype of the treated person, age and type of skin. Each area of the body, including the arms, thighs, waist, belly, buttocks and hips, is treated in accordance with the nature of the tissue and its requirements, following its complex structure, following or transforming the contours of the body.

Treatments are intense and totally painless, their results are scientifically proven, and with therapeutic value they also provide an extraordinary feeling of relaxation and help in the fight against stress. The LPG research team has confirmed the effectiveness of this method in many areas of application: from cellulite to lymphedema, from athlete preparation to sports injuries …


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